Previous Questions
Q: Hiya, when the samples are collected should they be kept in the fridge in the pots until you have all 3? Or is room temp ok?
A: Hi Emily, there's no need to refrigerate the samples. Most people store them in a garage or outbuilding of some sort before they are ready to be posted. ????
Jane Parkin
Q: Hi Vince, I’m admin on WAG. I was wanting to test mine for worms and want to use one of your kits. I’m going for the one that does both. How many goes are there in one pack. It’s all new to me. Many thanks jane
A: Hi Jane, a single kit screens one dog for all intestinal worms and lungworm once. Buying multiple kits (2 bundle or 4 bundle) brings the cost down. Hope this helps, and do get in touch if you need any further assistance.
Lisa MacKenzie
Q: Hi There Team
Can you explain to me please how worms that maybe in the lung and heart can be detected through a stool sample. Surely they can only be detected when looking at the heart or lungs. Many thanks Lisa and Khalisee the Rottie
A: Hi Lisa, they can be detected because the larvae in the lungs are coughed up and swallowed, after which they appear in stools. The parasites are microscopic however, and so need an expert to prepare and examine faeces samples, as they can't be seen with the naked eye.
Nicole Agius
Q: Good morning,
Do we have to send stool sample by post or does the test show us the result at home please
Regards Nicole
A: Hi Nicole, you put the stool samples in the pots included, and simply pop into the nearest pillar box using the prepaid box provided. ????
Sue Scott
Q: Hiya, I've sent my dogs samples back, how do I get results and how long do I wait... also do you sell products if needed.
A: Hi Sue, you need to email your kit code and the name of your pet to in accordance with the instructions supplied. We will then forward the results as soon as they become available.
Joanne Phelps
Q: Hi, does this kit test for all types of parasites? E.g. heartworm.
A: Hi Joanne, if you scroll down the page and click on the + to the right of PARASITIC WORMS DETECTED, a full list of all worms and additional elements screened for will appear.
Margaret smith
Q: Hello,
I have three dogs, do you do a test kit for multiple dogs?
A: Yes, you can purchase multipacks here (2) and here (4).
Joanne Phelps
Q: Hi. I've been keeping my eye on stock
For a couple of weeks, any idea when the combined screening kit will be back? I need to order joints but want to get out all in one delivery. Thanks.
A: Hi Jo, a new supply is due to arrive towards the end of this week, and so will be available to order next week.
Paul Lowther
Q: Would you please email me when you have this back in stock Thanks
A: Hi Paul, can you please forward your email address to They are due to be back in stock this Friday.
Heather S
Q: Can I still send samples if my dog has diarrhoea or runny poop? They aren’t always solid like those shown in the video so would I have to wait until they are firmer? He’s always had i a sensitive stomach so his poops can be variable. Thanks
A: Hi Heather, it's best if the stools are partially formed at least if possible, as opposed to being liquid, if the results are to be accurate.
Q: Do you ship to the USA?
A: Hi Sheila, yes we do. USA can be selected as the delivery destination from the drop down postcode list at checkout,
Q: Hi. My cats use a litter tray. Does it matter if there is cat litter on the sample?
A: Hi Alison, best to remove what you can, just to make sure there is enough stool sample to run the tests.
Jayne Day
Q: Hi,
So far we have had clear results, but if a worm test was positive, how or what would be recommended to get rid of the worms?
Thank you in advance
A: Hi Jayne, the guidance given would depend on the type of worm found and the level of infection present.
Monthly treatment for fleas / ticks and worms has never sat comfortably with me. Whilst studying to become a practitioner of canine botanical self-healing, I came across Vince and instead of conventional worm preventative began 3 monthly screening tests with my little cavalier. I do the full test, including lung worm each time. For one year she was clear, then we had a low positive result for lung worm. I was worried, slightly reprimanded by my vet who issued me with a three month course of Advocate. I used it once then retested 4 weeks later and Ruby was clear. I have adopted another rescue recently and I will be screening both every other month. I spoke to three vets after Ruby's positive result and I was actually concerned about the advice given on the basis prevention is better than cure. My newly adopted rescue (Daphne) is only two years old, I intend to keep her as close to nature intended as possible. I use an natural essential oil water for flee and tick prevention. Thank you for your products Vince, both my girls are on your Joint Support - Ruby because she is 12 and has spondylitis and arthritis in her hips and knees, and Daphne as a preventative to help keep her strong and hopefully avoid the onset of arthritis. Thank you!