Product Tab Content 1 - Fireworks
If possible, start giving Fears and Anxieties 3 times daily, several weeks before fireworks are due to be let off (early to mid October). This can be done by gently dabbing 2-3 drops on the outside of the lips with a clean finger. Alternatively, add to a morsel of food.
Also sprinkle a few drops daily on bedding, toys, sleeping areas and in places your pet likes to go when feeling anxious or insecure, and add a little to drinking water.
A day or two before the fireworks begin, switch to giving 2-3 drops of Thunder and Fireworks 3 times daily, instead of Fears and Anxieties.
Continue to sprinkle Fears and Anxieties along with Thunder and Fireworks around the home, and also add to drinking water as suggested above.
For the best results, continue using both remedies as described, throughout the whole firework season.
If fireworks are imminent and there is not enough time to follow the regime above, simply give both remedies together 3 times daily for as long as necessary.