Care for your pet like Vince the Vet

There's 3 very good reasons to stop giving chemical anthelmintics (drugs which kill worms) to your pet.

Firstly, many dogs and cats being wormed on a regular basis, don't actually have worms at all, and as a result are being medicated with toxic chemicals unnecessarily.

Secondly, now that the RCVS has decreed that vets need to see dogs and cats before dispensing prescription only wormers, which usually incurs a consultation fee, the cost of regular treatment has gone up significantly.

Thirdly, and most importantly, most wormers are nerve poisons of one kind or another, which can cause serious and sometimes fatal side-effects in sensitive pets. A warning issued by the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for example, lists tremors, incoordination, ataxia and seizures among the adverse events reported. We've also had first accounts direct from pet parents of dogs and cats dying after a single of certain products. Given the risks involved, worming without first confirming that a pet has contracted intestinal worms and / lungworm therefore, is not a decision to be taken lightly.

A much safer, two-pronged approach to ensuring a pet remains worm-free is as follows (this is important for family members and others in the community too because certain species of roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms can also cause health problems in people):

1. Screen stools every 3 months for evidence of parasites using this kit, and worm only if they are detected. (And in certain circumstances natural support alone may result in a clear result a few weeks later.)

2. Give 2 - 3 drops of Natural Worm Control 3 times daily on a teaspoon of fresh food 3 times daily for the first 7 days in each month. This helps the intestinal immune system create a gut environment which is inhospitable to parasites, and assists the body in their elimination before they become established.

These measures reduce the risk of pets picking up a worm burden, enable early detection of a parasitic infection should this occur, and avoids unnecessary exposure to neurotoxins, which could have serious consequences.