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How To feed a complete, balanced home-cooked diet which powers optimum health and well-being

Follow the steps below to provide your pet with a complete, balanced home-cooked diet which powers optimum health and well-being.


To feed a complete, balanced raw diet instead, substitute cooked meat with one of our raw meat, bone and offal recipes.

(a) Feed a single minced meat such as chicken, turkey, lamb or beef, a portion of which can be 'cooked' by adding freshly boiled water from a kettle, stirring for a minute or two, and allowing to cool to lukewarm before feeding.

Give half the suggested daily amount of Digestion, divided between meals.

This helps the digestive system extract the maximum amount of nourishment from the diet, and supports the development of a strong, healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for good immune system function and overall health.

(b)  After 10 days, if the stools remain well-formed increase Digestion to the full daily amount.

Also give Time Health Bio-Cultures to boost the gut microbiome and it's positive effect on the pancreas and digestive tract (enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount).

(c)  After 10 days, if the stools remain well-formed continue with Digestion and Bio-cultures as before.

Give half the suggested daily amount of Vitality, divided between meals. 

This provides a rich supply of more than 60 vitamins, minerals, trace elements and many other important nutrients which need to be supplied by the diet each day for optimum health and well-being. 


Vitality is rich in iron which can sometimes turn the stools black. This is nothing to worry about – the colour usually lightens to brown once the digestive system has adapted to the new addition to the diet.

If the stools become too soft at any stage, cut back on the amount given until they are well-formed once more, before gradually increasing to the full amount.

(d)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, continue with Digestion and Bio-cultures as before.

Increase Vitality to the full amount.

(e)  After 10 days, if the stools remain well-formed continue with Digestion, Bio-cultures and Vitality as before.

Give half the suggested daily amount of Immunity, divided between meals.

This provides a rich supply of nutrients which support a healthy, balanced immune system and strong, natural defences.

(f)  After 10 days, if the stools remain well-formed continue with Digestion, Bio-cultures and Vitality as before.

Increase Immunity to the full amount.

(g)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, continue with Digestion, Bio-cultures, Vitality and Immunity as before.

Give this algal oil (one capsule per 25 - 30kg) squeezed onto food daily. (Enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount.)

An organic egg can also be given several times weekly to provide additional fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins (A, D,E and K).

This provides essential fatty acids which are important for healthy nerves, skin, hormone function, and the body’s natural adaptive and self-repair mechanisms. 

Algal oil is a far healthier and safer source of omega 3 than fish, for the reasons explained here.


Ensure that clean water is available at all times.

Adjust the amount of meat feed going forward as necessary, to maintain an ideal body condition.

This diet supplies all the nutrients necessary to support health and well-being at every stage of life.

For medium to giant breeds of dog and rapidly growing, large-boned puppies, the addition of Joints provides additional support for healthy musculoskeletal development.