Two defence mechanisms protect a normal, healthy canine skin against yeast (and bacterial) infections.
1. The skin microbiome:
2. The skin surface (epidermis) which forms a physical barrier:
When the skin microbiome and / or surface of the skin become damaged however, yeast take advantage of the breach in these body defences to multiply out of control and invade deeper layers to cause itching and inflammation.
Killing off the yeast with drugs or antifungal washes / creams when this occurs, will only clear up the dermatitis long term, if there isn't an underlying condition which continues to damage the microbiome and epidermis, and fuel inflammation.
When a skin becomes yeasty again and again, or persists despite treatment therefore, it's a sure sign that the root of the problem still needs to be tackled.
Although this can be be challenging, given the number of factors that can be involved (which is why many treatments or natural products fail to help), the following 3 steps reduce the severity and frequency of yeast overgrowths significantly in most affected dogs.
Step 1.
Supplement with PEA to help reduce itching and inflammation of the skin caused by a reaction to environmental allergens (called atopy) such as house dust, house dust mites, fungal spores, human dander, pollen etc), which opens the door for yeast to cause infections.
A sensitivity to substances in and around the home and / or in the diet (see below) are common causes for skin changes that lead to yeast and bacterial infections.
Step 2.
Eliminate all carbohydrate and sugar rich foods which fuel yeasts from the diet.
These include:
GRAINS - wheat, oats, rice, barley, corn and rye etc.
STARCHY VEGETABLES - potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins and butternut squash etc.
SWEET VEGETABLES - carrots, beets, peas, bell peppers and parsnips etc.
FRUITS - apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and bananas etc.
Removing these and similar foods from the diet can significantly reduce yeast numbers on the skin, and prevent problems associated with overgrowth and opportunistic infections.
And don't forget to check for hidden carbs and sugars in ALL products given - including meats, treats and supplements.
You'll be surprised at what you'll find, even in so called natural, healthy products.
Step 3.
Wash affected areas of the skin (not ears) with a dessertspoon of organic tea tree (such as this) and half a dozen drops of neem oil (such as this) - after test washing a small hairless area inside the thigh first and waiting 48 hours to make sure there's no adverse reaction before using elsewhere on the body). Then rinse with clean water and pat dry.
Repeat weekly or twice weekly if needed.
Step 4.
If the above measures do not produce a significant improvement over 12 weeks, it's advisable at this stage to conduct food trials to rule out dietary sensitivities as a factor.
More information on this can be found here.
If yeast infections are still a problem despite the above measures, hormonal issues such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's disease for example, need to be ruled out by the appropriate tests.
It is often beneficial at this stage is to give:
1. Immunity to help the body's natural defences combat yeast and bacterial infections.
2. Vitality to reduce free-radical induced inflammation and provide a rich supply of micronutrients which support tissue regeneration and repair.
3. Digestion to support a healthy gut microbiome, which is important for preventing yeast overgrowths in the bowels, on the skin and elsewhere.
4. Algal oil to aid the body's natural anti-inflammatory pathways (enter vincethevet15 on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount).