Care for your pet like Vince the Vet

PEA is a potent anti-inflammatory, painkiller and anxiety relieving substance (fatty acid amide) produced naturally in the body in response to inflammation, injury, pain and stress.

Added to the diet as a supplement is has been shown in numerous clinical studies to provide a wide range of health benefits.

In most cases improvements in well-being and quality of life gradually appear over the course of 8 to 12 weeks.

Occasionally however, a variety of healing reactions and signs of an individual sensitivity to palmitoylethanolamide appear.

What you may see as a result of supplementation with PEA and the steps to take in each case is described below. 



Supplementation with PEA has been shown to significantly reduce in itching in 2 out of 3 atopic dogs who are reactive to environmental allergens, including house dust, house dust mites, moulds, human dander, grasses, trees, shrubs, flowers, weeds and pollen from other plants.


a)  It is important to continue for at least 12 weeks, as it can take this long for PEA to reach peak effect for some dogs.

b)  PEA helps around two thirds of dogs with atopic dermatitis, but won't help if skin issues are being caused by parasites, microbial infections and food allergens in the diet. These all need to be ruled out if PEA is to be as effective as it can be.

c)  Continuing to include carbohydrates and sugars in the diet, can block the benefits of giving PEA for an itchy skin as these fuel inflammation and the growth of yeasts.

A list of foods to eliminate can be found here.         


PEA has proved to be highly effective at alleviating pain in both people* and animals.

In this study involving 610 people suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to control with standard therapies, all who completed the trial experienced a marked reduction in pain intensity.

We're seeing similar results for dogs. 


PEA's natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties significantly reduces joint inflammation and pain.     


PEA has been shown to improve neurobehavioral functions including memory and learning in various models of nerve degeneration.          


PEA acts on calming pathways in the brain to help modulate central nervous system responses to stress.      



Pets with sensitive stomachs or a history of digestive upsets may occasionally develop sloppy faeces.

In most cases this is solved by pausing the PEA until formed motions have been passed for at least 3 days and then reintroducing the supplement at half the previous dose. 


Often as the body heals, part of this process involves the elimination of environmental chemicals, toxins, drug residues and waste products which have accumulated over time in a variety of different organs, tissues and cells.

This can result in an increased thirst, more frequent urination and defaecation, sloppy stools, fur staining (if the coat is white / light coloured) and skin eruptions. This can lead to an already irritated or inflamed skin temporarily appearing to get worse.

To help shorten the timescale over which detoxification occurs:

1.  Give 2 - 3 drops of  Natural Worm Control and Detoxification Support 3 times daily on a teaspoon of fresh food for two weeks, and then repeat again after a 2 week interval.

The drops can then be given 3 times daily for the first 7 days in each month as part of a natural worm control regime, in conjunction with regular screening every 3 months using this kit.

2.  Add Vitality to the diet to provide a rich supply of antioxidants and more than 70+ micronutrients which help to reduce inflammation and support tissue regeneration and repair.

3.  To further soothe the skin if itching becomes more pronounced, give 2 - 3 drops of Insect plus Itch Relief on a teaspoon of fresh food 3 - 4 times daily until this has fully settled down.  

If any other signs appear, do get in touch using the Contact Us page on this website so that we can provide the appropriate advice. 


PEA has proven highly effective at reducing itching in 2 out of 3 atopic dogs who are itchy because they are reacting to environmental allergens, including:

  • House dust
  • House dust mites
  • Fungal spores
  • Human dander
  • Chemicals in home fabrics and furnishings
  • Grasses
  • Pollen
  • Weeds
  • Plants (indoor and outdoor)
  • Shrubs

and many others.

Click here to see the clinical veterinary trial.

PEA will NOT help if the following are the main cause of itching:

1.  Flea bite hypersensitivity

2.  Dietary sensitivities (reactions to food allergens)

3.  Environmental irritants - contact dermatitis caused by substances in or outside the home which inflame the skin directly, such as:

  • Household cleaners
  • Plastics
  • Synthetic fabrics
  • Leather
  • Aromatic oils / scents
  • Shampoos and skin creams
  • Washing detergents and conditioners
  • Carpet / rug fibres / dyes
  • Garden products
  • Grass treatments
  • Decking chemicals
  • Concrete 

and many others.


4.  Parasitic infections such as:

  • Demodectic mange
  • Sarcoptic mange
  • Ear mites
  • Lice
  • Harvest mites

5.  Microbial infections such as:

  • Ringworm (Microsporum canis) 
  • Malassezia (yeast)
  • Staphylococcus  

and others.

6.  Carbohydrate / sugar rich diets:

Starchy and sugary foods or additives fuel inflammation and the growth of yeasts, which aggravate itching and irritation.

As long as these are included in the diet, any skin problems present will be worse.

These include:

GRAINS - wheat, oats, rice, barley, corn and rye etc.

STARCHY VEGETABLES - potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins and butternut squash etc.

SWEET VEGETABLES - carrots, beets, peas, bell peppers and parsnips etc.

FRUITS - apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and bananas etc.


Removing these and similar foods from the diet can significantly reduce yeast numbers on the skin, and prevent problems associated with overgrowth and opportunistic infections.

And don't forget to check for hidden carbs and sugars in ALL products given - including meats, treats and supplements.

You'll be surprised at what you'll find, even in so called natural, healthy products.


Supplement as follows to support the development of a more balanced and less reactive immune system over time (6 - 12 months) which is more tolerant of exposure to allergens and irritants:

(a)  Give Immunity at half the suggested daily amount.

Also give Insect plus Itch Relief remedy 3 times daily if this is not already being used.

(b)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, increase Immunity to the full amount.

Continue with Insect plus Itch Relief remedy 3 times daily.

(c)  After 10 days, if the stools remain well-formed continue with Immunity and Insect plus Itch Relief as before.

Give Vitality at half the suggested daily amount for 10 days.

(d)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, continue with Immunity and Insect plus Itch Relief as before.

Increase Vitality to the full amount.

(e)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, continue with Immunity, Insect plus Itch Relief and Vitality as before.

Give this algal oil - one capsule per 25 - 30kg squeezed onto food daily. (Enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount.)

(f)  After 10 days if the stools remain well-formed, continue with Immunity, Insect plus Itch Relief, Vitality and algal oil as before.

Give Digestion and Time Health Bio-Cultures to boost the gut microbiome and it's calming effect on the immune system (enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount).


Also be sure to bathe regularly with clean water and pat dry to prevent a build up of allergens in the coat. A teaspoon or two of coconut or jojoba oil can be added to the final rinse to help provide a surface barrier to protect the skin underneath. 

What to do if this supplementation doesn't help?

The next step is to conduct food trials to rule out dietary sensitivities, if this has not already been done.